Commemoration 2022

SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2022

Crematorium Gusen 1946
Crematorium Gusen 1946
After a two-year break due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the international commemoration for the victims of the former Gusen concentration camp complex can again be held in 2022 as a face-to-face event with participants from many countries around the world.
The 2022 commemoration has the motto "political resistance" and will also be streamed live via Youtube on May 14, 2022 at 05:00 p.m.  CEST. The URL is:
This commemoration will be accompanied by the following additional programs provided by the Mauthausen Memorial:
  • May 5-7, 2022: Guided tours in the former KL Gusen II "Bergkristall" tunnels in St. Georgen.
  • May 13-15, 2022: Guided tours on the properties of former KL Gusen I acquired recently by the Republic of Austria with former roll call square, former SS function buildings, and stone crusher.
ATTENTION: Prior registration is required for all of these additional programs at:
From May 4-6, 2022 the Mauthausen Memorial and Ars Electronica will project the names of ten thousands of victims of the former KL Gusen complex in the light installation "#eachnamematters" on the walls of the Gusen Memorial.
