Gusen II - Leidensweg in 50 Stationen

Gusen II - Leidensweg in 50 Stationen
Gusen II - Leidensweg in 50 Stationen

These richly illustrated memoirs by French survivor Bernard Aldebert on the former KL Gusen II concentration camp and the "Bergkristall" underground Messerschmitt plant at St. Georgen an der Gusen were published in France as early as 1946.

Inspired by Gusen Memorial Committee (GMC) founding members Martha Gammer and Rudolf Haunschmied, Elisabeth Hölzl translated this important memoir in 1996 as part of her diploma thesis "Holocaust in der Literatur" (Holocaust in Literature) at the Faculty of the Humanities of Paris Lodron University in Salzburg, Austria.

With the support of the GMC, these important memories were later on edited in 1997 by Elisabeth Hölzl with Verlag Bibliothek der Provinz in a combined German and French language publication. Pierre Serge Choumoff of Amicale Francaise de Mauthausen, Paris also supported this publication to the best of his ability and contributed a very personal foreword for this first German language edition.

After the first edition was sold out soon, the GMC took efforts in 2022 to reprint this important title, which provides an insight into the former KL Gusen II concentration camp, which was one of the worst that ever existed in Austria.

"GUSEN II – Leidensweg in 50 Stationen" [GUSEN II – Passion in 50 Stations] is one of the key publications on the former KL Gusen II concentration- and death camp and the related "Bergkristall" Messerschmitt underground aircraft plant at St. Georgen an der Gusen, Austria. It also recalls the fate of thousands of Jews who were mercilessly sacrificed  by the inhuman Nazi regime in "Jew Camp" Gusen II for the construction of this monstrous underground mass-production factory for the first Messerschmitt jet-planes in world history.


Bernard Aldebert * Elisabeth Hölzl (ed.)
GUSEN II – Leidensweg in 50 Stationen
Verlag Bibliothek der Provinz, 2022
253 Pages, 51 Illustrations,
Paperback, EUR 24,-- [A]
ISBN: 978-3-85252-145-9

Find more details about this GMC-publication on the Website of Verlag Bibliothek der Provinz.

