GMC founders M. Gammer and R. Haunschmied honored by Klub Mauthausen-Gusen of Warsaw

May 14th, 2022 Honor of R. Haunschmied and M. Gammer 2022
GMC founders Martha Gammer and Prof. Rudolf Haunschmied were honored on May 14, 2022 at the international commemoration in Gusen by Klub Mauthausen-Gusen of Warsaw, Poland, for their decades of commitment and the thousands of hours of voluntary work to keep the memory of the former KL Gusen complex of concentration camps alive.
The awards were presented by the President of Klub Mauthausen-Gusen, Warsaw, Mr. Jacek Tarasiewicz and Ms. Joanna Ziemska.
Congratulations to our founding members for this well-deserved awards!
