Osuchowski´s Account on KL Gusen translated into German!

March 14th, 2023 GUSEN -  Vorhof zur Hölle

The extraordinarily important account of Polish KL Gusen I survivor Jerzy Osuchowski on the former KL Gusen I concentration camp was translated by his granddaughter Isabelle Hochauer into German and edited with additional comments and many illustrations as a new German language publication of the Gusen Memorial Committee (GMC) by GMC founding member Prof. Rudolf A. Haunschmied.

This new firsthand account about the infernal realities in the former "Hell of Gusen" is a must read for all that want to understand the special role, Gusen played between 1940 and 1945 as an extra brutal and inhumane extermination site for specific groups of people in Nazi dominated Europe.

It also reveals how the SS pitted different groups of inmates against each other at Gusen in order to achieve their extermination goals and the high mortality rates at this very special early extermination site of Nazi Germany in Austria.

This book has not only importance with regard to Gusen - it is also a key publication in general to understand how the Nazis organized such extermination camps by corrupting different groups of people. 

Find out more about Jerzy Osuchowski´s imortant account "GUSEN – Vorhof zur Hölle" [GUSEN – Antechamber of Hell] at this special page.

