Sesto San Giovanni

Delegations at Sesto S.G.
Delegations of Sesto S.G. and Langenstein

Sesto San Giovanni is today the north-eastern part of Milan. In April 1944, some 400 young men were deported from Sesto S.G. to Nazi Germany to be used as slave labor. 125 were deported to KZ Gusen, where 94 died.

In May of 1996 a twinning agrement was negotiated with Langenstein, where the KZ Gusen I & II camps were located.

An official delegation from Langenstein, headed by Vice-Mayor Ernst Hutsteiner, visited Sesto S.G. on March 6, 1997.

During the 3rd local-international commemoration on May 3, 1997, an official delegation from Sesto S.G., headed by Presidente Giancarlo Castelli, also visited Langenstein.

In August 1997, Signor Grimaldi visited Langenstein to discuss further details concerning the future “Gemilaggio” .

Meanwhile there developped a very good cooperation between representatives of Sesto S.G. and local associations from Langenstein. Even some historical documentations are already translated from German to the Italian language by certain organizations of Sesto S.G.

For example: ANED Sezione Sesto San Giovanni (MI) translated local research of Mr. Johann Prinz and Mr. Rudolf A. Haunschmied and edited the book “Getta la pietra! – Il lager di Gusen-Mauthausen” in 2008.
