Visit the former KZ Gusen Complex

Guided Tour Gusen 1996
GMC founding member Rudolf A. Haunschmied guiding a group at Gusen in 1996 (the Memorial has not yet been renovated).

The KZ Gusen complex consisted of three concentration camps and more than 50 work commands that were scattered over an area of several square kilometers.

Furthermore, the KZ Gusen complex also comprised SS installations that were also essential to the neighboring Mauthausen twin camp (e.g. SS administrational buildings of German Earth and Stone Works (DEST),  rifle range, and railway lines at St. Georgen/Gusen).

Therefore, visitors can select different kinds of visits or modules, depending on the amount of time dispensable:

  • Visitors Center and Memorial (1 hour)
  • Audiowalk Gusen (2,5 hours)
  • Guided tour Gusen I remnants (1,5 hours)
  • Guided tour Gusen I & II remnants (5 hours)

The visitors center and the memorial can be visited individually each day (exempt Monday) between 09:00 a.m. and 16:00 p.m. Nevertheless it is advisable to contact Mr. Bernhard Muehleder in advance to ensure free access.

The Audiowalk Gusen can be experienced on each opening day of the visitors center but needs prior reservation at Mr. Bernhard Muehleder. Group size is limited to 30 persons.

Guided tours to Gusen I remnants need prior reservation of a MKÖ-Mauthausen Guide.

Guided tours to Gusen I & II remnants need prior reservation at the Gusen Memorial Committee (GMC) several weeks in advance for details.

Guided tours into the “Bergkristall” underground plant are only available once a year along with the local-international commemoration at Gusen. Please contact the GMC several weeks in advance for details.
