Substantial Project by ADDENDUM.ORG on Gusen!

May 20th, 2020 Kein Titel

In commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the former Gusen concentration camp complex, the Austrian research platform ADDENDUM.ORG published the results of an extensive study on the “forgotten Gusen complex of concentration camps” in May 2020 in German language, which was carried out under the leadership of David Freudenthaler and Michael Mayrhofer.

In the course of this research project, five podcasts worth listening to were created, which shed light on different aspects of the forgotten former Gusen concentration camp complex and contain unique interviews with residents and proprietors in Gusen, as well as activists of the Gusen Memorial Committee (, who for decades have been engaged for adequately remembering the more than 40,000 victims of what was once the largest but forgotten concentration camp complex on Austrian territory.

The research results as well as the podcasts are accessible on a separate ADDENDUM.ORG website under the title “Das vergessene KZ Gusen (The Forgotten Gusen Concentration Camp)”.

