Former KL Gusen Complex in Austrian Parliament

May 5th, 2023 Chamber of House of Deputies

78 years after its liberation by US troops, the memorial event against violence and racism of the Austrian Federal Assembly to remember the victims of National Socialism was dedicated on May 5, 2023 to the former KL Gusen complex of concentration camps. 

State leadership and politicians from all political parties were informed about the existence, the importance, and the future design of the memorial sites of the former KL Gusen complex of concentration camps in the communities of Langenstein and St. Georgen/Gusen.

In addition to a short film and a discussion, individual biographies of KL Gusen victims were presented in the presence of Stanislaw Zalewski from Poland, who survived KL Gusen II after his ordeal had previously led him through concentration camps like KL Auschwitz, KL Mauthausen, and KL Gusen I.

The Gusen Memorial Committee (GMC) was represented by President Martha Gammer.

Watch here the full 2023 memorial event that took place in the Chamber of the former House of Deputies in Vienna, that is used by the Austrian Federal Assembly today. 

