Marcel Callo Exhibition in St. Georgen

January 19th, 2024 Marcel Callo

An exhibition on the beatified Roman Catholic martyr Marcel Callo can be seen in the House of Remembrance (Haus der Erinnerung) in St. Georgen until the end of May 2024.

From November 1944 onwards, this young French Christian suffered a significant part of his martyrdom for his faith in the former KL Gusen II concentration camp, where he was forced to work under most inhumane conditions like thousands of others in the huge and top-secret underground „Bergkristall“ aircraft factory in St. Georgen, to produce Messerschmitt Me-262 jet fighters as one of the miracle weapons for the Nazis.

This exhibition was designed under the initiative and leadership of Christoph Fuchs from the Marcel Callo parish in Linz-Auwiesen and can now be seen for the first time at the place where Marcel Callo actually suffered a significant part of his martyrdom.

Christoph Fuchs was supported in the design of this exhibition by Rosemarie Pabel (Vice Postulator), Prof. Rudolf Haunschmied (Gusen Memorial Committee), Barbara Hannerer (Marcel Callo Parish) and many others.

The exhibition can be viewed Monday to Friday between 08:00 a.m. and 12:00 a.m. during the opening hours of the House of Remembrance or after prior appointment by telephone at ++43 699 16886513 or ++43 660 2292906 (Ms. Andrea Wahl) or by mail at

The address of the House of Remembrance is: 4222 St. Georgen/Gusen, Marcel-Callo-Straße 3.

The exhibition is in German language and was made possible at St. Georgen in a cooperation between The Gusen Memorial Committee, Bewusstseinsregion Mauthausen-Gusen-St. Georgen, Katholische Arbeiterinnenbewegung der Diözese Linz, Pfarre Marcel Callo Linz, and Nationalfonds der Republik Österreich für die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus.

Find her some more details about Marcel Callo.

