
Radio Show Dedicated to the Gusen Memorial ...

August 25th, 2023

Freies Radio Freistadt on 107.1 / 103.1 or 88.4 MHz dedicated the August broadcast in the series „Spuren der Erinnerung" [Traces of Memory] to ...

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Former KL Gusen Complex in Austrian Parliament

May 5th, 2023

78 years after its liberation by US troops, the memorial event against violence and racism of the Austrian Federal Assembly to remember the ...

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New Trail of Human Rights

March 24th, 2023

The new "Trail of Human Rights" (Weg der Menschenrechte) was presented to the public on March 24, 2023 at the House of Remembrance in front of ...

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Osuchowski´s Account on KL Gusen translated ...

March 14th, 2023

The extraordinarily important account of Polish KL Gusen I survivor Jerzy Osuchowski on the former KL Gusen I concentration camp was translated ...

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