The KZ Gusen Visitors Center

The KZ Gusen Visitor´s Center was opened along with the local-international commemoration at Gusen on May 8, 2004 by the Austrian Federal Minister of the Interior, Dr. Ernst Strasser, after year long endeavours of survivors and the Gusen Memorial Comittee (GMC).

Inside the KZ Gusen Visitor Center

Inside the KZ Gusen Visitors´ Center

To achieve this goal, the Polish Ambassador to Austria, H.E. Univ. -Prof. Irena Lipowicz, together with the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior founded “Personenkomitee Gusen” on May 25, 2001 (a commitee of high ranking personalities like the former Foreign Minister of Poland, Prof. Wladyslaw Bartoszewski, and the former President of the Austrian National Assembly, Dr. Heinz Fischer).

An exhibition called “Concentration Camp Gusen 1939-1945 – Traces-Fragments-Reconstructions” gives an overview about the topography of the former St. Georgen-Gusen-Mauthausen complex with special focus on photographs that document the construction and the liberation of that bigger twin of Concentration Camp Mauthausen with key strategic armament plants.

This exhibition was comissioned by Department IV/7/a of the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior.

Explanations are given in German and English. Descriptive fliers are available also in Polish, French and Italian.

In addition, an opening in the museum´s floor allows to see some archeological remants of KZ Gusen I (the floor of the former shower room where hundreds of inmates were bathed to death, a former street, and the foundations of the former crematorium barracks) as they were excavated along with the construction of that visiors´center in 2003.

A plenty of photographs shown in the KZ Gusen visitors´center can also be found on the official Gusen website of the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior.

Headphones for "Audiowalk Gusen" will be handed over in the KZ Gusen visitors´ center after prior registration. For registration details please switch to the details of Audiowalk Gusen.

Opening hours of the KZ Gusen visitors´ center and details for making reservations can be found on the official website of the Visitor Centre Gusen Memorial.

Guided tours to the remants of KZ Gusen or KZ Mauthausen can be booked in advance at Vermittler-Inneninitiative Mauthausen-Gusen in English, Italian, French, Spanish or German language.
