Commemoration 2024


The 2024 commemoration started on May 4, 2024 at 05:00 p.m. CEST at the former roll call square of KL Gusen I. Address: Untere Gartenstrasse, Langenstein, Austria.
Invitation to First Joint Commemoration at former Roll Call Square of KL Gusen I
Invitation to First Joint Commemoration at former Roll Call Square of KL Gusen I.
It was a milestone in our decades-long commemoration efforts, as it was carried out this time together with the Mauthausen Memorial for the first time after having been organized by the Gusen Memorial Committee (GMC) for the last 30 years alone with some last survivors.
The most obvious change was also that it started at the former roll call square of KL Gusen I and not at the Memorial Crematorium Gusen
The main remembrance ceremony took place on the former roll call square of the former KL Gusen I. Afterwards, the participants marched together in a procession to Memorial Crematorium Gusen to lay wreaths there as usual.
The cooperation between the Mauthausen Memorial and the Gusen Memorial Committee (GMC) was a logical consequence of the increased commitment of the Mauthausen Memorial to the remembrance work concerning the former KL Gusen complex of concentration camps in recent years (see, for example, the purchase of substantial pieces of land by the Republic of Austria in Gusen to expand the KL Gusen memorial sites and the related local-national-international participation process for the design goals of the future Gusen memorial sites in the years 2022 to 2023).
This first joint commemoration was accompanied by the following additional programs provided by the Mauthausen Memorial:

 Prior registration was required for all of these additional programs at:

See here some excellent press releases about this commemoration:

