Participation Process for KL Gusen Memorial Sites started

September 19th, 2022 Attentive listeners at House of Remembrance in St. Georgen

According to a press release of the Austrian Ministry of the Interior, the Mauthausen Memorial officially started a participation process concerning the further development of former KL Gusen memorial sites in August 2022.

This process shall ensure the integration of regional, national and international interest groups, like concerned nations, victim´s associations, local commemoration initiatives, scientists, and local residents.

Also represeantatives of the Gusen Memorial Committee (GMC) have been invited.

By July 2023, a project team is to create the planning principles along with this process that will then form the basis for a subsequent competition concerning the further developement of the former KL Gusen I & II sites purchased by the Republic of Austria in 2021 in the communities of Langenstein and St. Georgen/Gusen.

